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Old 03-24-2024, 01:23 PM
obsessed1 obsessed1 is online now
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If I was a CEO of a hunting brand ( scope rifle etc..) i would want my brand represented in the best possible way. I wouldnt want my particular X brand of rifle " appear" to only be capable of gut shooting a a moose at 65yds or scope brand X put 3" groups on a pie plate...its not great optics for the brand i guess...but being selective in the people who "represent" your brand through sponsorship is probably a choice of the coe of the company and has little to with anyone forcing a certain capability....
As stated I am very much in the camp of less regulation.
My previous post was absolutely tongue in cheek.
Bushrat.. I'm nowhere near as good as I wonce was as a shooter but I can still hold my own driving a rifle lol but Im not certain I could shoot moa @ 400 in field positions every time all the time with a hunting rig. Much of my hunting is done with irons now anyways...
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