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Old 04-05-2024, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
The Federal Peovincial relationship sucks. Alberta has been feeding the socialist provinces like Ontario, Quebec, BC and the maritimes for way too long at the same time some of them has blocked our oil and gas from market, which sale helps supply those transfer payments. Hydro uses Canadian water… Quebec should be paying us a royalty.

That all said…

Segregation as in becoming a separate company is impossible. First Nations won’t go and they won’t give up their rights to whatever. Alberta shouldn’t take on that social cost either. It will eventually crush the economy down the road.

We would also be landlocked. US would jack up our costs for everything.

We would be SOL on National Parks… they’d go to Canada.

Transportation of goods and border protects would be very expensive.

Likely we would remove the need for bilingualism which would cost money to switch.

We would need a much higher level public service to cover everything… more expensive in theory.

The conversation should instead center around getting the appropriate number of seats in parliament based upon our increasing population.

We should demand all autonomy that Quebec has and simply say we want equal treatment.

Arguing for an impossibility is a waste of energy. Arguing for doable change makes sense.
All those arguments against are bargaining chips in our favour.
Canada doesn't want to give up the national parks?
Sure, keep them.
Want to have continued access to them? Well now you have to give us access to the ports on the coast.
Same with the reserves.
We sure don't want that burden, but if they want to join us as equals they are welcome. Anyone who doesn't is free to live on a Canadian reserve that's an island in the middle of our new country. And we can bargin for access to them.
And if you think switching away from bilingualism will do anything but save us money, you're dreaming.
"I like to quote my own quotes" ~ Dewey Cox
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