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Old 04-05-2024, 11:53 AM
densa44 densa44 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: North of Cochrane
Posts: 6,708
Default First things first.

I can remember 4 Conservative governments in my life time, John Dienenbaker's was the first, he had nothing but problems with his own cabinet, Mulrooney had the GST and collapsed the party, Joe Clarke tried to govern like he had a majority when he didn't, most recently Steven Harper, who said that "I had more trouble with my caucus than I had with the Liberals" given what I hear on here I can guess what it was. Why can't the conservatives in this country get along together? We are seeing it too in Alberta where we have a definite rural urban split.

How many countries with a population are successful? None.

The real question is why don't Canadians vote for conservatives in large numbers, and when they do, why do the conservative governments fail?
"The well meaning have done more damage than all the criminals in the world" Great grand father "Never impute planning where incompetence will predict the phenomenon equally well" Father
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