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Old 04-09-2024, 02:50 PM
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AB2506 AB2506 is offline
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Originally Posted by 2 Tollers View Post
Just when you think that the City administration cannot get any more out of touch with the needs of the city and the high taxes we pay they come up with another new goodie --- hitting it out of the park -- almost as good as Tookers flooding the streets and skating to work

Special street lights and coverings for bike lanes. This socialist administration has no end to how they will spend other peoples money.

Interesting that this gem was not in Sohi's response letter to the province requesting funding being restored to address priorities. This just shows how out of touch this administration council is. Get more money -- waste is on soccer bids, electric buses and now street lighting for bike lanes.

The province needs to say no more money deal with what you have and let the citizens vote these clowns out.
Both Edmonton and Calgary City Councils are filled with true believers; in climate change, they have to make every person feel good about themselves, in socialism. There is no end to how much money they are willing to spend on items like these.

Meanwhile, Calgary streets are falling apart, Calgary Transit is being run into the ground. I better stop there.
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