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Old 04-09-2024, 09:02 PM
W921 W921 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
In what way are FN in Alberta separate countries? Please list.

What do FN have in Alberta that we don’t have as far as rights that aren’t part of a treaty? A binding contractual agreement?
I'm no expert on this but are they not exempt from all these gun laws ? Don't they need guns for traditional lifestyle?
Dont they have their own police and justice? I dont think our police are even allowed on reservation? Our police certainly looks the other way when they are off reserve.
Seems like they can block railroads, highways or do whatever they want.
Its not like we could build a highway or pipeline on their nation without paying them off .
I thought they were their own nation within our nation? This is what American Indians are saying on utube.
Are Indians paying tobacco and other taxes? I was at casino in Lethbridge today and all natives in front of casino smoking.
You think Ottawa would ever go after indigenous business like Alberta industry?
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