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Old 04-10-2024, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by HyperMOA View Post
We have as much leverage as the rest of Canada would have. That is not fiction that is reality. Any leverage they have we would have. Maybe I haven’t thought of everything though; so what leverage would Canada have that we don’t?

there will be legal requirements to follow that Alberta can’t contest such as potentially rail lines operating through Alberta but not stopping unless Canada agrees, such as FN rights, such as National Parks

I haven’t found anything stating the federal government owns the lands of national parks. I have read they operate them with the help and approval of the provinces. They own the monuments and infrastructure but not the land. By no means am I an expert here though. Feel free to educate me.

I posted it above but you just need to look harder. Ownership of Federal Parks is Federal. Land ownership and operations is Federally controlled.

I never said we blockade, I said we have the ability to isolate Canada from itself it tried to isolate us. Funny how you say that we can’t cause transportation issues because of these international treaties. Then in the next paragraph you speak of all the problems of a landlocked nation. Is there agreements or not?

my comment was in relationship to once an agreement is finalized… Alberta can’t just blockade a federal railroad to get something additional. It had sounded like you believed we could pull that trigger

Speaking of a landlocked nation. We would be much better off as a landlocked country than a landlocked province. As a country we will keep our funds and can’t be controlled by the Laurentian elite. I mean what are they gonna do, block pipelines? Boy I would hate if that were to happen. We would be so much better off.

If we have a problem now we can go to court and within Canada we have equal rights and protection under the constitution. If another country sued us or took us to court we can just ignore them. It’s absolutely not the same. Yes… we can keep more money however we may be stuck with paying high fees to B.C. or Canada to take product through a pipeline in another country. Pipeline problems may take longer to fix. Additional environmental laws that we can’t control can have long term unintended consequences to us as a separate country. Costs to run Alberta as a stand alone country will climb. Border security will be difficult.

If the reserves vote to stay within Canada and we secure our borders, air-lifting may be the only option depending on our visa and passport requirements.

that would not be feasible nor a likely outcome. The courts would likely deem FN remaining part of Canada should they so chose and they would also retain all their treaty rights to move about and harvest etc. That would be a fact and not something we can negotiate away unless FN wish to give up their freebies and rights and special status and just become part of Alberta… and to do that it would mean paying lump sums to individuals within FN who vote to join Alberta. The social welfare cycle would end and they would need to fully integrate into Albertan society on an equal footing.

Once again though, we can talk about trivial hurdles that could and would be negotiated and settled upon; but is rather irrelevant at this juncture. So for the third time can you give me any reasons why we are better off staying in Canada? Besides apathy, fear, convenience, or mislead patriotism.

No one would likely argue that Alberta is getting hooped in many respects and things need to change. The question is change within Canada and similar to Quebec or nuclear change and upheaval and becoming a country.

Notes in red

It’s an interesting topic and we likely both agree Federalism so far has not treated Albertans fairly.

Originally Posted by W921 View Post
I'm no expert on this but are they not exempt from all these gun laws ? Don't they need guns for traditional lifestyle?

Dont they have their own police and justice? I dont think our police are even allowed on reservation? Our police certainly looks the other way when they are off reserve.

in some instances they have a local police force and in most it’s RCMP. No different than other communities. They don’t have their own justice as they follow Canadian Law however they can have different incarceration options to try a cultural way of changing their criminal paths. Prisons also have different programs for different peoples personalities and past upbringing.

Seems like they can block railroads, highways or do whatever they want.
Its not like we could build a highway or pipeline on their nation without paying them off .

sometimes it seems like different rules for different people. Definitely politics and wokeness plays a factor here in some places. In Alberta right now what you say is not true insofar as blockades are concerned. In Ontario… they’ve learned some lessons slowly. Yes… if you want to access lands then you need an agreement and as it’s federal lands Alberta Surface Rights board doesn’t apply

I thought they were their own nation within our nation? This is what American Indians are saying on utube.

Quebec is a nation within Canada… and they remain a province so…

Are Indians paying tobacco and other taxes? I was at casino in Lethbridge today and all natives in front of casino smoking.

You may not like treaties that were signed many, many years ago… however they are there and must be respected. Provide a scenario that would be better for FN to join Alberta. Convince us and I mean it is a tough question and I don’t have a good answer myself as there are lots of bouncing balls to consider.

You think Ottawa would ever go after indigenous business like Alberta industry?

No… Ottawa is scare to do anything anti woke… however they did go to court over payments to FN kids for social welfare decisions, they have also screwed up the safe water file and many others.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin

Last edited by Sundancefisher; 04-10-2024 at 10:31 AM.
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