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Old 04-17-2024, 10:35 AM
W921 W921 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 1,565

One reason separation won't happen any time soon. Is misinformation. Just locally in my area some people who have no clue think Danielle Smith is going to take away their CPP, destroy ,defund,destroy,healthcare ,get rid of the RCMP and then no police protection, etc,etc.
All these people and most old enough to know better screaming about anything Danielle Smith does but same people against any solutions or against anything that could make things better.
I was talking in person to a community want to be on council type. I was telling her about Nobleford and how it was growing without government money. Jobs and affordable housing, etc. She said if you like that type of place. Basically she didn't like it because no swimming pool,dozen's of every type of baseball, soccer, tennis courts,etc, water parks all these recreational things built by basically outside government money. Didn't like young people attracted to Noblefords jobs. Preferred more of a retirement town.
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