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Old 04-18-2024, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
Isn't it funny how the same people that wanted me dead in the ditch for not taking part in an idiotic medical/social experiment want us to forgive and forget?

How about we start with some apologies from the left wing socialists that have been proven wrong about nearly everything that happened over the last 4 years?

You trusted the science from the same group that can not determine the sex of a mammal?

How about we give some of these government hand outs to the thousands of business owners and workers whose lives' were destroyed by lock downs and tyranny, followed by a public apology from government for their mishandling of the entire affair?

How about a full public inquiry into where every cent went that ballooned our national debt to an unrecoverable burden on our children and grandchildren?

Safe to go to Walmart and Costco but unsafe to go into small businesses, build homes or pipeline in the outdoors?

We have to destroy the economy to save people in long term care? People that have a life expectancy of 6 months and that are not exposed to the general public?

How about arresting children at playgrounds and the mental damage inflicted on them due to lock downs?

Everyone should wear a mask that will not catch particulate 1000 times larger than a virus? Wouldn't trust one to catch paint particles but it surely will stop a lethal virus that escaped a world class hazardous material testing facility?

Seems ridiculous now doesn't it? Well it seemed ridiculous to many from the get go.

Now imagine if WHO was in charge, left unchecked to control us. And make no mistake, this was all about control and nothing to do with science.

The only good thing that this scamdemic has done is expose those that will line up to support tyranny.

It is not about hurt feelings or getting revenge. It is about security. The truth has to be exposed or our freedom will remain in danger from these people and those willing to follow them.

You can hunt with whomever you like. I refuse to hunt with someone that will not admit when they are wrong, will not learn from their mistakes and refuses to take responsibility for their actions. It is much too dangerous
Emotions continue to cloud people’s judgement and it goes both ways.

One can’t discuss after the fact what was learned to be in error and at the same time ignore what was proved right.

There are those that will stubbornly hang on to conspiracies and refuse to listen to the actual science. Not sure if they don’t understand or their sources are just making stuff up but it’s so hard even now to discuss with some because emotions block any attempt at understanding. The science has come to prove some things were done wrong and some were done right.

Some refuse to recognize the sheer stress put on the medical system.

It’s a shame now our out of control spending means we spend more for interest on debt than we do on transfer payment. It’s crazy.

Remember society hadn’t dealt with this since the Spanish flu… and our ability to move about the world is measured in hours and not weeks.

You may disagree with everything that was done and after reading some studies I would agree somethings were done wrong. Somethings were done right. Maybe next time it will be done better.

WHO would NOT be the leader of our next pandemic response if I was in charge. A detailed made in Canada pandemic response plan should be drafted and shared publicly… revised accordingly and locked in as a starting framework for what to do next.

Covid was real. Is was an impactful disease. It’s fortunate it has weakened over progressive mutations. Some people are still dealing with long covid symptoms.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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