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Old 04-19-2024, 11:34 AM
edmsmith edmsmith is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by ghfalls View Post
Get some foothold traps in front of a cell phone camera. Once you catch them, go release them 23 hours later, and I bet they don’t come back.
I was asking f&w this week about using traps to protect some of my live stock. You'd be amazed at how few answers they want to provide.

They'd tell me I can't trap certain species but couldn't tell me which ones I could. They went as far as to tell me certain traps couldn't be used but couldn't provide a list of which ones were good.

They wanted me to apply for permits and went on to say permits won't be granted for many animals I wanted to set traps for.

Main concern I have is protecting my livestock but what if i caught a neighbors animal in my "traps". Some of the traps I have are leg traps.

They were extremely useless in getting answers for what I can and can't do. But catching a neighbors dog in a leg trap and providing video evidence in alberta seems like a bad idea based off my recent chats with f&w.
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