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Old 04-21-2024, 10:30 AM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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I walk to get into where I want to be. Then I still hunt, it might take me all afternoon just to move 200 yds, more like a walking blind that will stay stationary for as long as it takes to figure out what that movement or sound 50 yds away is. You need to move slower than the animals, much slower. You hear them coming first, on occasion I've smelled bedded down rutting bucks before I've see them. I've had deer come and bed down 10 yds away while I'm standing listening to them approach totally unaware I'm there. Then I have to stand there 2 hours not moving until they get up and leave because I know their boyfriend might drop in and visit..

One must be aware of the wind, sound and movement, they can be your friend as much as your nemesis.

Always remember your walking around in their house. . You have to see the woods from the animals perspective and hunt accordingly.
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