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Old 04-24-2024, 04:14 PM
NCC NCC is offline
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Originally Posted by Dubz337 View Post
Any of the caribou herds in AB or BC are extant remains from the last ice age, and should be allowed to die out. It happens all the time in nature, animal can't adapt they die out. Killing all the wolves is not the answer, cause then prey populations explode, and they all eventually die out from starvation.
I think this is 100% false and there were probably more caribou in AB and BC than whitetail deer in 1900. It's our (industry's) fault that the wolf population has been able to easily access and kill the caribou so I think it is also our responsibility to remove some wolves and allow the caribou herds to thrive.

As for the ungulates overpopulating to the point of starvation, I think that is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard on this forum. Waiting 10 years for a moose, mule deer buck or antelope tag tells me that we have plenty of hunters willing to take out any surplus critters and if we can't find hunters, just lay off the wolves for a few years and they'll have the same effect on the ungulates here as they've had in Yellowstone.
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Gerry Burnie
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