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Old 01-17-2010, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
And yes not all sheep have the genetics to be huge rams but at least that ram was mature. Every zone has the potential to and has produced record book sheep. I think the big thing alot of guys on here are saying is that they would like to see a few more big rams around. Sure some guys just want that easy book ram but being able to see multiple 170+ sheep each year would be nice. Sure anyone that has been out there much has seen them but how many every year. I know alot of guys will say they see a few and the odd guys does but not many guys see big rams. Not many see legal rams. How many see an honest 180 in a year? How many have ever seen a 190" in an area other than cadomin? How bout a 200". Not many and guarenteed only a couple have seen an honest 200" ram(in an open season in an open zone). But everyone agrees that a few more of these running around would be nice!

Alot of guys say sheep populations are good! Alot say not so good! So what is a good sheep population for Alberta?

You were the one on here last year talking about all the giant rams in the province and that Cadomin wasn['t the best place in Alberta for big rams. So what changed in a year?
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