Thread: why poach?
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Old 02-03-2010, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Fort Saskatchewan Ab
Posts: 8,926

Lack of respect , Wanting to Keep the fish for themselves , instead of playing by the rules . I dont care , what BS excuse you have to Why you purposely broke the laws just so you could keep a few fish ,These Laws set out to make things fair to everyone . Poaching is a very selfish thing . If you cant follow them dont even bother going out on the water , or ice , or in the field stay on the couch in front of the TV .

Why do these guys continue to be Repeat Offenders , The lack of penalty . Fish and Wildlife are out there busting there balls trying to catch these guys , having report a poacher hotlines so Law Abiding sportsmen , Can report these clowns . And then Once these Poachers are caught , Time to go to court the Judge doesnt have the audacity , or balls to lay down a severe Penalty .

This country has a bloody joke of a Justice system . To which protects the Criminals more then the Law Abiding people of it . Look at countrys with millions more people then Canada , They dont have the problems we do . They police themselves and take care of the trouble makers .
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