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Old 02-10-2010, 12:09 PM
Posts: n/a

The govt. realizes that at present it is easier and less expensive to manage people than habitat and animals. The discussion here is becoming focused on the same thing.

I suggest we spend some of our time on this thread talking about other avenues to reach our desired goal, more sheep and larger, mature rams.
Bravo! Very well said.

Not only does the government turn a blind eye to predator management, in some areas they actually discourage it. On Wind, Pigeon and Allen Mountains, K-Country's prime winter/lambing range, the areas are closed to humans from Dec 1 to June 15, basically shutting out cougar, wolf and bear hunters.

There is so much more that could be done without further restricting hunters but it seems hunters are so willing to help the government do this. It's time we demand better game management and not hunter management.