Thread: Sheep Part 3
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Old 02-12-2010, 07:27 PM
SLH SLH is offline
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Originally Posted by Vindalbakken View Post
Because with that picture it is not a legal ram. Which brings up a couple things. First this is why education is important. Lets say for argument sake that it is longer and legal it is still an immature ram. People need to know how to determine that on there own for the sake of the herd. I know that even if it is legal he did nothing wrong by the law but he should also know that he did something wrong by the herd. If he knew that this was an immature ram he may have been able to make a more educated and informed decision as to why he should have left it or more importantly why he wanted it over waiting for something better.

Second, and lets assume that it is not legal then what the hell is SRD putting a plug in that thing for. To which I've heard that they are just having to much trouble getting convictions. It shouldn't be that hard to determine that if you are in possession of a short ram you get charged and if you are a serious outdoorsmen you should pony up and take you lumps for making that mistake. I've also heard that SRD is trying to come up with a better definition of what constitutes and illegal ram so that some greasy lawyer can't get someone off on a technicality.
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