Thread: Sheep Part 3
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
No one has stated that there is a huge problem but when a guy see's places like 40 mile mountain and the mountain above harrison flats on the clearwater, the ridges in the hummingbird and canary creek, and open grassy hills above sick mans camp on the south ram , the hills behind the ranch buildings at the ya ha or the bluffs in Smith creek on the blackstone that used to hold winter populations of hundreds and are now almost void during the winter, it worries me. Maybe we are jumping the gun but to do nothing I dont beleive isnt right either.

And maybe more sheep hunters or hunters in general that say the big problem out there is wolves and predators should do their part and help control this, not just sit around and complain that the government wont do anything about it
SG, I don't doubt the accuracy of your observations regarding these sheep herds. I'll say it again, our Alberta Government through ACA and SRD are experimenting with non-leathal wolf management. I've posted those links before. The National Parks have taken a 180 shift in their public campaign regarding exposing the wolf population in the park, they will not count them anymore! IMO, to do so would be to prove that they are out of balance with the prey species. Besides your sheep observations, Elk and moose populatons are dramatically dropping in many areas of the foothills and mountains, those numbers have been verified through recent game counts.

This isn't difficult for anyone to add up. Wolves ARE responsible for a large % of the ungulate mortality in these areas. Very likely the reason you are not seeing sheep in these areas anymore.

Instead of hunter management our gov. needs to first get back to wildlife management. Even the B.C. Gov. is ready to get serious regarding wolves.
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