Thread: Sheep Part 3
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
Your right this was the case and is lots of times but there are a chance they wouldnt have made the stalk or the shot. Just because people are there doesnt mean they are gunna kill every sheep. There are a good number of rams that survive the season that the guys havent or are uncapable of finding.
Im not saying im 100% right but the only honest way to see if this works or doesnt work is to do it. There are to many variables that none of us have or can have numbers until that time. The biggest deciding factor on this is it right that guys should be able to kill any sheep every 2 years. My answer is no! Will a wait help Maybe. Is a maybe better than nothing? Forsure. Its not going to hurt the population. All its gunna do is hurt a few guys feelings that want to have the oppertunity to kill a sheep every 2 years!

So you see more restrictive hunting regulations that limit opportunity and keep hunters out of the field for no sound reason nothing more than hurting a couple guys' feelings? Give me a break. It erodes the foundation of every right and privelage that we as hunters have fought so hard to attain. So what are you willing to give up next that will only hurt a few guys' feelings? And what after that? And after that? This is turning into a bad episode of the Twilight Zone.

You seem to think that everyone opposed to the 5 year wait wants to kill a ram every two years. Well, that couldn't be further from the truth. They want their right to hunt sheep protected. This isn't isn't about's about the right to hunt. I know you are just a sheep enthusiast but a lot of us take our rights to hunt quite seriously.
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