Thread: Clear Lake
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:12 PM
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tacklerunner tacklerunner is offline
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It's a cycle. Lake A will get hammered until we discover Lake B. Then we discover Lake C and 40% fish B, 40% C and 20% A because they think the Bs and Cs gave up to early. It has been like that and will be like that forever. The biggest difference is we are all much more educated on C&R and the practice of C&R will continue to grow in popularity. People will keep what they want but I would suggest "waste" is waaaayyyyyyy down. We don't keep fish just because we caught them anymore. When we have enough, we quit fishing or if we are having fun we continue and C&R. Through research F&W is doing the best they can and it ain't that bad. Fishing is never going to be a high priority on any governments list in Alberta.

So go, fish, as much as you can because there's not much in this world as simple and rewarding anymore. Catch, keep, release but stay within the rules.

Fishing is a SPORT. That means it takes effort and practice to win. If "catching" was getting easier, the sport would be dying.
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