Thread: Tiger's apology
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Old 02-19-2010, 09:36 AM
elkoholik elkoholik is offline
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Posts: 340

Originally Posted by hunted View Post
So what did you think? I think it was a little late. Also he said he plays by the same rules as everyone so why doesn't he answer any questions?? I know it is really none of our business but when he has made as much money off of us the public, consumer etc then it becomes our business. Plus I like to hear the gossip!!

What are your thoughts?
He is a freakin' person and has the right just as you and I to screw up his home life without the public creating even more of a BS media frenzy out of it. Let the guy do what he does for us public folk and get back to playing golf so we can continue to enjoy watching his amazing abilities. The media is such a joke nowadays and has made a laughing stock of America with it's "NEWS" or gossip as it actually is, what ever happened to real news? Oh I forgot it doesn't sell.
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