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Old 04-14-2010, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by HerdBull View Post
There arnt any "exclusive" rifle zones as there are bowzones. The only reason for bow-only zones is safety. Bow hunters pose VERY little (if any) safety hazzards to anybody or anything (people, property, livestock). Rifle hunters on the other hand....well, let's just say bowhunters track record is way better.

I think the idea of barring bowhunters from a rifle season is ridiculous. We pose NO safety risks and take a much smaller portion of the yearly harvest among all hunters. Why keep a bowhunter out? I don't see a legitimate reason, if you see one, educate me, I'm happy to listen.

We do have far, far greater general tag opportunities than rifle hunters. And for good reason. As a whole, bowhunters are more responsible, more serious about what we do, leave a smaller footprint on the environment, take less game out of the zoneand pose WAY fewer safety concerns. They key words there are AS A WHOLE, there are exceptions to every rule.

Archers do have it darned good here. We earned it! That's why you see such a resistance to the inclusion of crossbows. Those of us that take bowhunting seriously know damn well what's gonna happen. The spike in archery season hunters is gonna stun (the already quasi stunned) govt and their first move is gonna be SHUT IT DOWN. They're already bracing us for the blow and it hasn't even started to happen yet! Then all the bandwagon fad chasers will go back to their guns and leave us with barely a hint of what we used to have. We don't deserve that, we've been good boys all the way through!
And to get back to the grass roots of this sideshow of a thread, including xbows in our archery season is ultimatley going to be the indirect/direct (depending on how you look at it) demise of the privilidges I think we've earned.

When was the last time you saw some dork cruisin a cutline with a loaded bow on the seat next to him and a beer in his hand? Lol. Case and point.
You, Whitetailer, the con artist of great repute that stole, lied and cheated people right here on this board are one to talk. I'm sure the other archery hunters are squirming in their seats with you speaking for them.