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Old 04-14-2010, 07:23 PM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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Originally Posted by nube View Post
If you make them full curl it will put a ton of pressure on other zones especially for the first few years till the sheep grow a bit. Nobody will want to hunt there for a while and in the meantime it will put a ton of pressure on other areas.
One thing I did also learn on my trip to Redcap and to the mine in Cadamin is that those reall old big rams a ton of them never make it to full curl. I was quite surprised at it really. And the ones that were full curl I will admit I would have a way harder time trying to judge a full curl ram vs a 4/5 and would expect a lot of rams to get shot that did not make full curl becasue it is tough to see. Seems harder than 4/5 anyways for me but maybe that is because I have had a lot of experience with the 4/5 and not the full curl zone stuff.
More peolpe would be hunting elswhere if these wmu's went on draw than if they were open and full curl.

Exactly, those rams are safe from hunting ( for now) until the population goes past the 5%.

Just trying to find an option to keep these wmu's off the draw.

Originally Posted by nube View Post
I have pretty much stayed out of these sheep topics but I guess I should spit my 2 cents out.

I think the sheep herds are doing fine personally in most areas. Yes some of them need help.
I also think we can debate for years and never come up with the best solution. It seems to be happening for the past few months already.

As for a guy who shoots the crap out of the sheep as much as I do I will say that the only thing that would detour me from sheep hunting and killing another would be waiting longer after I did and I would be more willing to pass up more rams to get a bigger one than shoot whatever I felt like.

I don't mind waiting for a draw if I know I will be able to have a good chance at a good ram but this is a dangerous slope and I think it would end up being stupid long wait times to get a tag. There will be more people that would sheep hunt because there would be another draw and people some reason don't really think about what is involved and they put in for a draw just for the heck of it. I know 2 people with Bison draws this year and never went after they got the tag.
Guys would also put in their wives, cousins, brothers and whoever else to get a tag for a sheep even if their Wife, cousins, brothers or whoever has never hunted in their life. It happens now for the Cadomin draw. Your wait times for drawing a sheep tag will end up like the States.

I do not know the answer and I do not think there is a good answer to the problem. I am glad that there is an interest to find the best scenerio but I think we should be careful for what we wish for.
Yup, I agree too.
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