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Old 04-24-2010, 01:28 PM
Rantastic Rantastic is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 1,289

I do plan on eating my spring bear and was wondering how u would butcher it into the "black forest ham" style that is raved about so much. If anyone knows what part of the bear or which roast that u cut out to make this please pm me anything helpful you can.

Just my young and possibly naive thoughts on toxins...
i personally am not worried about the toxins... if there was any associated harm, im sure somebody would have done a study on it by now and posted their gfindings and everyone would know or the govt would put a warning against it like they do with CWD deer.

The fish most people eat out of lakes and streams may be more toxic than anything else and in a few lakes eating anything from the area is prohibited... like near a dangerous chemical spilling train wreck about 15 yrs ago has poluted one lake and they have done this... i forget the name tho.

Any animal eating or drinking in nature has the danger of being toxic with the increase in all the lead and other pollutants being dumped and/or leaching into the water supplys but i dont see it being worse than the steroid injected animals sold in grocery stores and fast food joints. Just my two cents but interesting idea about the toxins all coming out of the fat over the winter. Wonder if any study has been doen on that.

Most people I know who hunt bear, spring or fall dont eat their bears since they are not required by law to. They are simply after the trophy rugs/mounts. Nothing more. Interesting poll idea tho.
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