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Old 04-27-2010, 01:13 AM
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CanadianEh CanadianEh is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Southern Alberta
Posts: 459

Perhaps what you do in a situation like this is have a separate forum channel for such location sensitive fishing reports.

Ie... maybe you restrict access to contributing members and need to have minimum 250 posts to access and read that forum, maybe more.. I dunno.

Generally the people you are trying to keep from accessing the knowledge that you have; are not going to spend the time to post 250 messages on this forum.. and are the same ones who will go destroy such great fishing lakes. They are googling for a quick honey hole location, make an account do a search and presto locations all over the board. I can see why no one would want to distribute fishing reports and locations, including myself. they are the ones who do not want to spend the time and effort to get the reward.

I maybe naive, But i think most longer term contributing members I have talked to on this board are very much about conservation, catch and release 95% -100% of the time, yet also enjoy giving tips and helping each other. I believe if people spend a significant amount of time to make a post, tell a fishing tale or perhaps are looking for or looking to give a little help; Over time and posting messages they get to know people on the board and people know them.. they are far less likely to abuse the benifit of reading specific location fishing reports.

Like JTS said... there will always be a few bad apples... but they will be very few and far between if they contribute and post so much on the forum.

Just an idea... but it seems to make sense for both sides of the argument.