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Old 04-27-2010, 09:29 AM
spopadyn spopadyn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 222

I absolutely agree with JTS on this. We have beat this mule to death. Here is the problem: all you people who don't want to share info shouldn't be on this forum. Simple as that. You are a hypocrite and you should be ashamed of all of your sanctimonous preaching. Why are you here? Who has violated anything that BELONGS TO YOU? These are all public resources and we all share in the responsibility of paying our taxes and maintaining them. It seems to me you have no problem with the general public paying to stock lakes and maintain fisheries - you just don't believe they should know where to fish. Give it a rest. This is not about conservation - this is about elitism. And I really like this "lets restrict access to the trollers". Why don't all you smart C&R secret fishermen form your own website and share your secrets there. Oh, I forgot, you also like AOF to provide a free forum to you - but only just a select few. Again, what hypocrites.