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Old 04-29-2010, 09:54 AM
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DuckBrat DuckBrat is offline
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Seeing this and being a visitor to Obed a couple of times a year I just called George in Edson on this Issue. Just so you are all informed Browns will be stocked one more time into Obed lake. The stocking will occur in a month's time. This will probably be the last time it is done for more reasons than just the perch issue. Someone damaged the weir on the far side of the lake which has brought water levels down a few feet. Now on most lakes that type of change would not be detrimental to fish populations but on obed it has dropped winter Oxygen levels to near 1. A number of 4 is detrimental for Salmonids (trout Spp.) and 1 is actually having an affect on the Perch in Obed. There are some big perch survivng near the in coming creeks in winter but that is all. Unfortunately it seems that because of the structure of the lake and the absence of utilities nearby that aeration will be too expensive. So unless someone fixes the weir on the farside of the lake to bring it back up the three feet, it seems that this fishery will be done. Can't fault SRD for making this decision as stocking browns in Obed is a costly practice and if they won't winter whats the point. Money would be better spent on fixing some of the other great fisheries in the area, and this is from a guy who loves fishing Obed.
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