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Old 05-10-2010, 07:28 PM
CR5 CR5 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: West of Edmonton AB
Posts: 167

I have one that is about 10 years old and probably has around 5000 rounds down the pipe. Best bang for the buck in a centerfire imho.

First thing to do with a new one is get rid of the wood and go with any of the synthetic stocks available. I didn't even shoot mine before changing to a synthetic folding stock.

Only thing to watch is the gas tube. The gas tube on mine corrodes and prevents the gas piston from travelling full stroke which reduces reliability. A good cleaning and lube is needed when you put it away for a while.

Don't bother putting a scope on it, I had a dust cover mounted red dot and it was no more accurate than the open sights and I had an empty case smash the front lens out of my scope. I also have friends that have put regular scopes on them and they don't shoot any better. This is a 100 meter gun that is fun to shoot and is best at making lots of noise rapid firing it and tearing up thin steel plate and other fun stuff, don't buy one if you have dreams of fixing it up and turning it into something else. There is nothing precision about it. Spend your money on ammo instead of mods.

Cheap+reliable+fun=buy one.
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