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Old 06-29-2010, 01:33 PM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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Originally Posted by flint View Post
Can't figure me out because I'm white and avocating the Aboriginals and Metis. I quess that we have our right to hunt in Alberta, after a long hard fight and then we talk on the other side of our faces and say that the Metis and Aboriginals cannot have their rights. Yes MattL, how many animals are extinct because of us, the white man? How much wildlands destroyed for agriculture, development, oil, forestry and the list goes on.
I also often advocate for Aboriginal causes. But my appreciation for my friends, family, and their cultures does not blind me to the fact that they are as human as everyone else.

Spend some time learning about human influenced extinctions in North America over the last 10,000 years. Many large animals have gone extinct due to North American Aboriginal hunting.

In more recent times, Aboriginal and Metis people played as large of a role as "white" people in the near extermination of Elk, Antelope, Deer, Beaver and Bison.

All human races have a track record of over-exploiting natural resources when conditions allow it.