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Old 11-10-2010, 08:40 AM
freeones freeones is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 241

Originally Posted by nicemustang View Post
Ha-ha. Yeah a bit out of line i suppose eh? Sometimes a guy gets his knickers in knot for no reason. Sorry to the orignal poster for de-railing the thread, again (not something i usually do).

Although, why would I care about people drifting in and out of the forum? According to most, there is too many people on here sharing too many secrets that is ruining the fisheries. So why do you post on here? (just a question, not trying to stir up anything)
There are some VERY good fisherman, guys who consistently win money in AB and SK that come to this site now and then. In talking to them, they can't be bothered to post for the most part because of the atmosphere here on most days. It's a shark tank. These are guys that could teach all of us a thing or two about fishing, and have probably forgotten more about fishing than I know. That's unfortunate. At the same time, maybe it's a good thing lol.

I don't post often. I just try and share my experience every now and then when I think someone could use some help or a little different point of view.

As far as the flasher goes, to each his own. If people here do well without them, then more power to them. I rarely fish in depths of less than 10', so that wasn't really a consideration when I posted. To my mind, a flasher is even more valuable to the novice fisherman, the guy who doesn't know exactly how to find the fish, work his bait, or fish the whole water column. For that person, a flasher is the single best tool they can have to flatten out the learning curve and improve their success on the ice, and that makes ice fishing more enjoyable. Not only that, but when you compare all the costs of ice fishing gear or even going out for a day, a decent quality flasher is actually pretty cheap.

That said, there's plenty of times when I head out with some smokies, some beverages and good company, hang out in the shack, and could really care less if I catch anything, and those are often some of the best days. You certainly don't need a flasher to do that. That's when you need a camera!