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Old 12-20-2010, 08:09 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Default Fish Inn 6 man ice tents

OK Ive used my new tent for 5 weekends now, and in general Im happy with it, especially for the price. I do have a few concerns, and have emailed the company who supplies them to Costco about those concerns. I will post my email, to save me typing the same thing twice. If anyone else has a review of the product after using it please post here.
"Dear Sirs:
I purchased one of your 6 man Fish Inn Ice shelters from Costco in November. .Model 10346078
When I set the tent up for the first time, 2 of the plastic windows were cracked. After using this tent for a couple weekends on the ice, most of the windows have cracked or are completely destroyed.
A direct quote from your homepage "With a solid background in the development and production of innovative consumer and custom products, Equinox Industries’ success flows from its dedication to quality and manufacturing consistency."
I am very disappointed with this, since after looking through your website before I purchased the tent I was impressed by the look of your products and thought I would be getting the same quality with the tent. I would like to know if you can replace my windows with some that are made for cold weather, and much sturdier, as obviously this is an ice fishing shelter, as such the components should be expected to stand up to our harsh winter climates.
I also tried the attached strap which is supposed to hold the tent in the closed position before putting it back into the storage bag, and the first time I pulled on it the very lightweight plastic buckle broke in two.
As well the stitching of the included storage bag began pulling apart even as I opened the bag for the first time.
The stitching for one of the gear pockets is also coming apart.
I am a member of an outdoors forum with over 20,000 members, and some of these members who are into ice fishing have also purchased this model shelter . I will be posting a copy of this email along with my review of the tent in general, and in general I am happy with the tent, aside from my stated concerns. I would like to be able to give them good news as to your thoughts and actions regarding the above concerns.
Thank you very much,
Wayne Christie "
I will post any reply I receive about my email .
I do have a 2 man shelter I bought last winter from HT and have never had a single problem with the plastic windows, even though the tent material is only 300 denier compared to the 600 denier material the Fish Inn is made from.

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