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Old 12-22-2010, 11:09 AM
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thumper thumper is offline
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I like seeing the kids and young families fishing these lakes with a good expectation of catching a fish or 2 for the campfire. The lakes are easily accessible for the hatchery trucks to stock, and people don't need a lot of expensive equipment or pleasure-boat licenses to fish from shore.

For them, this is already a QUALITY FISHERY
On the poster, I believe that QUALITY FISHERY should be changed to TROPHY FISHERY to better reflect what is being proposed.

With the severe draw-down of these reservoirs, there's little aquatic vegetation to provide the insect life needed for a large, year-round biomass of fish, and I'd rather see a largely 'put & take' fishery here for the more 'casual' fisher (families/kids/tourists).

As the chart indicates, there is an existing population of big (+50 cm) fish here. If the trophy fisherman want, they can target them and leave the hatchery fish for the kids. Or, utilize one of the many 'hike-in' Kananaskis lakes for this purpose, where casual fishers are not as likely to frequent.
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