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Old 12-30-2010, 12:16 AM
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Brandonkop Brandonkop is offline
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Originally Posted by boonedocks View Post
I hate to be" that guy" but the only bait allowed in Garner lake is meal worms and maggots.
Yes you are right! The regulations do state that is the case, but it was an error according to the fish and game since the lake was changed to one pike any size and walleye for draw. Since my grandpa lives out there and talks to the officials often he said that they were going to be putting up signs at the lake to notify people, but they never got around to it. So at least that's what I was told relayed from Fish and Game officer. The larger walleye I caught at Garner in the AM was caught on a cicada and meal worms anyways. Just the evening one caught on minnow.

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