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Old 01-05-2011, 08:27 PM
wsmman wsmman is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 169

burnt around on some brand new ones at new year. they were skandic and a tundra both were 500 or 550 fan cooled. they actually had quite a bit of snap down low, would work great for towing. i pulled around a bunch of kids and i never did spin out. One thing i'll tell you is the owner of these sleds said the two fan cooled sleds cost about an 1/8 of the maintenance of his liquid cooled sleds, he was saying somethin like $4600.00 so far on the high powered sleds in maintance. he did have his eye on the 600sdi and thought it was going to work real good.

The two i ran had regular width tracks one 136 the other 146" i think.
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