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Old 01-06-2011, 02:52 PM
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albertahunter albertahunter is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 49

Originally Posted by nicemustang View Post
Commerical fishing has been around just as long as angling. How can you petition against one and not the other? For the anglers benefit? I'm sure there are a lot of people who making a living off of the commerical fishing in you'd like me to support a cause that will end up in people losing their jobs? For what?

Any other groups backing you and what happens when you get xxx many signatures?
People losing their jobs... are you serious... This isn't Newfoundland! Commercial fishing in Albeta is a hobby benefiting only special interest groups, such as Hutterite Colonies and a few private citizens. It is not a way of life nor is it a right. What it is is a legistated way of directly impacting the fisheries in Alberta. Regulated only by the size of the gill net and the quota's assigned per species, there is no other way to selectively harvest in an appropriate manner.
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