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Old 01-06-2011, 04:16 PM
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Tundra Monkey Tundra Monkey is offline
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Location: Prosperous Lake, NT
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Originally Posted by Skinnydipper View Post
You mentioned before that yours was a Korelian right? What's it like at home? Full of energy to the point of concern?

I think I would enjoy the use of a dog for the company/protection potential that it would bring in the mountains. Just not too sure it would fit into my normal lifestyle the other 80% of the time.
Yes we have 3 and they are awesome (McKinley is almost 8 and the other 2 are 4). I have a 4yr old son and a 7yr old daughter. Absolutely no issues whatsoever. We did have a cat but she died of old age. Kinda funny considering the week before we got McKinley she ran down a lynx and killed it. My Wife's 5lb cat ruled the house....musta been an age thing.

They do have energy and ours recieve daily walks and runs several times a week.

As far as the Karelian breed goes the aggresiveness towards humans has been "bred" out. They are not a big powerful dog....medium sized (50-65lbs). They do have attitudes and think that they are better than any other breed. I have issues if other dogs show aggression or dominance towards them....they don't like that.

If you have any questions please feel free to pm me.


ps...Dall backstrap for supper tonight