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Old 01-08-2011, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by FCLightning View Post
It has been both ways forever in Alberta. For some reason it was decided that it was unreasonable to pursue big game animals with dogs in this province and that the easiest way to address enforcement would be to disallow hunters of big game from being accompanied by dogs. Should you want the law changed you can approach from one of two angles - change the perception that the use of dogs in big game hunting is wrong, or address the enforcement aspect in the determination of what does and does not constitute use of a dog for hunting so that it is easily and consistently interpreted by both those going afield and those doing the enforcement. Saying "I want to take my dog along because other people get to and MY dog will cause no harm" is certainly not the "big picture" and is hardly justification for a change to the law. IMO the bear aspect is a garden path.
Either that it's yet another of the outdated laws that came with the original Wildlife Act. Back in 1911 or whatever, I'm sure backpack hunting was not overly prevelant and grizzlies were dealt with in more lethal manners. I seriously doubt it had much to do with pack dogs and more to do with hounds.

I do want to change the law but I think I'll follow my own path but thanks for the advice...I'll give it the consideration it deserves.