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Old 01-09-2011, 11:53 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by steelhead View Post
I disagree strongly with these regulations as.....

.....The cheaper you make it for the SRD to manage these lakes, ie. less stocking, more rules to manage, you are also taking money out of the system making a lower budget for next year. Nice to come up with quality lakes, but if the budget keeps getting slashed (as its at its breaking point now) and the gov reduces the budget to equal its previous expenditures, these quality options will degrade all other fisheries and enforcement spending.

You all want quality fisheries???

How about a petition to get more money for enforcement and larger stocking quotas for many species, not just trout. You will see bigger fish that way also. Get moe people fishing walleyes and there will be less catch and bonkers at your favorite LOL, quality fishery. If trout are the easiest fish to catch in this province, Make the other species easier and more plentiful to catch and draw people away from the trout. That equals quality fishery a hundred fold

Your options take money, not save money and will harm all our fisheries.. I disagree with that and will vote no.

If you cant get alot of big rainbows and larger fish out of K lakes, yer not getting your fly lines down deep enough. Your quality fish are already in there, but with it being such a big and deep lake, your fishing tactics may not help you get them!

Petition for more spending on enforcement and dollars. Richest province in Canada and it has the poorest track record for its fishing and conservation enforcement. Then the bigger fish will come. It works everywhere else, but here. All other provinces actually, but here. I guess no one here ever looks at what other provinces do, except BC. they have what they have from big spending and enforcement.

your focus is wrong for everything


Your budget question is hard to know. Can you provide information that shows that when Bullshead implemented the new rules and attracted a huge fishermen following that somehow the system was financially harmed. Please provide some facts as if true I will be emailing my MLA... is just a theory. I remember the opposite...after regs came into being...enforcement increased and not targeted enforcement still prevails but tons of eyes are keeping those greedy people more honest.

I wholeheartedly agree that we need more money for enforcement but also regional and local fish population studies.

I disagree that we need to stocking more...stocking implies an over harvest and an unsustainable fishery. We can not bandaid bad fisheries management through stocking. Stocking as a put and take trout resource has been applied for years and is an expected part of the system. Stocking to introduce stock for the first time (such as walleye in a lake or trout from the Bow into the Red Deer) is an applied management technique. Allowing over harvest of a natural walleye or pike lake population with the mindset to stock our way out of a problem... I am not so enamored with.

Your assumption that there are loads of big fish in the lakes already is not shown in gill netting data. There was not a large number caught in UKL so your assumption is wrong. There were only 50 rainbows measured in the LKL that were large. The lakes show they can grow them big...but harvest is quick.

Your comment that everything can be fixed...including bigger fish through enforcement...does not hold water IMHO. Catching a few poachers...while helpful is far from a critical piece of the problem. Still don't get me wrong...start a petition demanding more money spend on enforcement through an INCREASE to the budget to accommodate it and I am signing!

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