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Old 01-09-2011, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
Sorry Sundancefisher, I didn't mean to ignore your question. No, I have never fished Bullshead Reservoir however I know a little about it. I think that to say a certain stocking program or regulation will work in one body of water because it worked in a different body of water is simplifying things somewhat. I know that it isn't true. Almost every body of water is different, whether it be the geographical location, water quality, food supply, water level fluctuations and on and on.

Are you suggesting that Bullshead and the Kan Lakes are near identical in every way so what holds true for one should be adopted for the other?

There is no requirement to study something to death but some study is required. You may not get the answer that you are looking for (ie. Kan Lakes might not be able to support the amount of large fish projected) but knowing that before tabling this proposal would probably be a good thing to know.

Case in point - About 20 years ago I was involved with introducing Rainbow trout into a lake in Petawawa, Ontario. I had a choice of 5 different lakes to chose from and I worked with MNR to determine which lake would be the best choice. Even though all 5 bodies of water looked the same and were in the same geographical location it was determined that 2 lakes were not suitable.

I realize that this petition is not about introducing a new species into the lakes but the point that I'm trying to make is that bodies of water are different.
I appreciate you responding. I understand that with the success of Bullshead that the government and fishing interest groups have put their heads together and did some research to see what the requirements are for a quality fishery like Bullshead in other areas of the Province. They placed an emphasis on finding lakes that meet a minimum requirement. There are very, very few of them. As such my understanding is that these lakes meet that requirement. As such...given that all I understand about the subject and my experience...I can see the benefits. Some may disagree but I do have to vote based upon the information that is out there. To find out exactly what the requirements are...maybe the lead poster can comment.

Still...I welcome you to go to Bullshead and talk to people...whether they are flyfishing from shore...casting bobbers with flies or floating the lake...all say the same thing. Fishing is better than it ever was in the past. A few told me they disagreed with the new regs at first but came around and changed their opinion after the implementation.

Now...I can not say if F&W will agree with this initiative. They may review it and say no for some reason I am not aware of. Still...we are asking them to look at it. If in fact it meets all requirements...why not give it a try. The benefits IMHO will out weigh the short term concerns.

Your concerns about different water bodies variability will be addressed by the F&W biologists final report on the project...not by this petition.
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