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Old 01-09-2011, 06:26 PM
goldscud goldscud is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,988

Steelhead, the bull trout in Lower Kan can easily be caught with fly rods. In fact I've witnessed 30 fish days with flies.
Pretty sure the rainbows didn't drive out the bull trout from the Bow river. I've fished the Bow since the 60's, when did the rainbows push them out? I don't ever remember catching any in any abundance below Calgary. A few dams, migrating issues, water temps and angling/poaching all might have affected things for the Bull trout

Back to quality lakes...I wish the rest of us knew of quality trout lakes outside of the National Parks here in southern Alberta. I'm just trying to gather facts so I can see why a proposal for a quality lake should be rejected. Pretty much everyone I know goes to BC to catch big trout. I'm surprised all the big triploids in BC don't qualify as quality trout for you.
I agree we have great trout streams in southern Alberta. Many of us would just like to see a few more quality lakes (that us dummies can find).

Prairie make it sound so easy to make a trophy trout fishery. I to would love it if our government would invest more money into fisheries. However, it doesn't seem to be much of a priority for them. To dredge, aerate and supply stable (pike free) water conditions would take a giant investment.
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