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Old 01-09-2011, 10:52 PM
steelhead steelhead is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: south
Posts: 308

Doing my thinking for me again. Thanks, but your not getting anything I stand for as I mentioned previously.

I am a multi-specie angler. That means i fish all species, not just trout. I care what happens to all species, not just trout.

I was waiting for someone to throw the "not as many fishable waters as other provinces" comment in. I kinda knew it would be you. I can see why you think i have the disconnect problem.

Another red herring the Gov wants us to believe is the problem with our province. No sir, that isnt the problem with the fisheries. The problem is funding and enforcement. You can throw that government conditioned comment right out of the ice shack.

Sun wrote

"You misread the facts and assume that because BC has a user pay and manage system that all the money goes back in and that is what creates the utopian fishing in BC when compared to Alberta. Your solution of throwing money at a problem...rarely if ever works in the short term...let alone the long term.

Simple as that. "

Some of that money does go back into BC's fishery, here it goes to fighting forest fires.

I bet you havent fished many other provinces(other than BC), followed other provinces fishing boards, or see what other provinces do to maintain an all around quality fishery have you? According to your posts and input from the last 6 years, I know you havent. You go to BC and way south for your fishing, and your community pond. I rarely, if ever, see you mention any other fishing you did in Alberta.

The solution of throwing money at a problem is the answer nowadays to create quality as proven in other provinces. Even BC has figured out that thier fisheries are not self-sustainable and they spend to keep the quality. As we all see in this province compared to others, no money means less quality, and alot more complaints. And I'm not just talking trout! Perch in this trout lake, quads muddying those rivers cause theres no bridges, rampant poaching on our lakes, Shoreline habitat destruction, Commercial fishing and on and on. So the gov makes more rules and doesnt enforce them. And they offer no money to enforce them.

It takes money, simple as that!
official leader of the internet forum opposition party.
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