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Old 01-09-2011, 11:00 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
You don't have a clue of what I'm saying do you? Any numbers that anyone posts on here are random if you haven't done your homework and you don't know the difference. But if you did, you might find that the money that is spent on stocking is recovered 10.....20....or 30 fold in revenue. You might even find out that it's advantageous to keep spending the money on stocking every year and allowing people to catch them right away

It might come as a surprise to you but not everyone goes to Kan Lakes for the fishing. Allot of people go camping to spend time with their families. If they happen to go fishing with their kids do you think that Mom and Dad care if junior catches a big fish to eat? Mom & Dad and especially Junior would be just as happy to catch a small fish that they could cook up on the fire. If you don't understand that then you are beyond repair.

As for the littering question that's just, well, garbage.
Please provide the link that shows specifically that spending $10,000 on stocking generates $100,000 in revenue. I would love to read it. Now the question is...are people spending the dollars to just find fish? Is that economic spin off limited until the fish run out and can we extend the benefits through a prolonged harvest. Will benefits increased if people can catch bigger fish here than driving to Kootenay Lake? You are not hearing this. I am hearing you but I am looking big are looking small picture.

More conjecture over kids catching fish and wanting to catch and kill any fish regardless of size. Then I postulate...those kids will be amazed by the bigger fish or tons more smaller fish and learn conservation in the process. Catching a keeper will feed the family. Catching small easy to catch fish is still available at Elbow Lake which has easy access. The whole family can take 5 brookies home each...and bonus...they CAN USE BAIT THERE. If you are fixed so tightly to an image of a kid being disappoint about catching 30 cutties and not being able to kill are lost. If killing one is so critical...again...what is the big deal about going to Elbow Lake for instance? Looking to the future...harvestable fish will be available... Currently regulations means any trout less than 12 inches...can't be kept. I have not heard any complaints about not killing an 8 inch trout.

I have also stated there is lots of other activities...and fishing is just one usage.

I agree...let's toss the whole garbage idea is the waste can. It is an irrelevant issue.
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