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Old 01-09-2011, 11:31 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
You still don't get it. If YOU don't have the facts then YOUR proposal is doomed before it even begins. I shouldn't need to look for any facts. They should all be listed on this thread so I can decide whether or not I support your proposal. If you go into a meeting to present your proposal I hope that you have your act together because if you go into it with the same idea that the party should do your research for you............

Great idea about teaching the kids about conservation BTW. Yup, keep only the spawning sized fish and throw all of the smaller eating sized ones back. No wonder some kids have no idea about anything!

You can't see the big picture if you have tunnel vision. The big picture includes the social, economic and environmental impact of such a study. The small picture is "This proposal will allow the fish to grow bigger." I'm not sure if you can grasp that or not?
I can't argue your made up facts. You need to use some common sense.

Your economic argument...With economic value decrease or increase with better fishing? seriously going to say decrease?

Your social argument...what a kid is going to cry because of catching fish...but not one big enough that day?

Your environmental argument? Already covered...your species argument..bogus. They are already there? Your point has not been clarify as to what the problem is? You are not thinking big picture but trying to throw a tattered blanket over the positive points hoping someone will buy your Swiss cheese logic.

Please conservation...throwing back big fish that mother nature grew in a put and take throwing a spawning argument at me? Get real. If you are talking bull trout...that is a different story. Stocked em over 20 inches if you want to eat em!
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