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Old 01-10-2011, 05:46 AM
GaryF GaryF is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 178

This was pulled off of one of the SRD round table meeting miutes,

Provincial Policy on Delayed Harvest
�� Of the 293 lakes stocked with trout, there are only 4 or 5 lakes that have delayed-harvest regulations. There have been some successes on small lakes (e.g. Bullshead, Muir, Ironside, Beaver)
�� On these sites it was the responsibility of the sponsor group to develop but SRD should take on the role of developing delayed harvest fisheries.
�� The government should identity where there are significant numbers of anglers that want this type of management. The number of lakes managed for delayed harvest should reflect the interest of the regional and local anglers and be strategically placed throughout the province.

So with that info, why would adding 2 more to the list of regulated lakes hurt? There would still be 286 other stocked lakes throughout the province to harvest any fish from.

Hunterdave, I also look forward to seeing your top 10 list of why this is a bad idea. Sun provided his top ten for why it is good, and its been disected by you. I would like to see your list so I can do the same. There have been a few of my posts that I have made that I awaited a response on from, that you and other vocal opponents on this thread have chosen to not comment on for whatever reason. I too can poke holes in everything, so I patiently await your list.
Enjoying the peace and serenity of this wonderful sport!!

Last edited by GaryF; 01-10-2011 at 06:01 AM.
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