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Old 01-12-2011, 11:48 AM
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Redfrog Redfrog is offline
Gone Hunting
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
What is stopping it now? Its illegal to be acompanied by a dog while hunting big game would be the big one I would think!!!!
Well duh! i wasn't aware of that when I started this thread.

What prevents a dog from running 3 or 4 hundred yards ahead of it's handler NOW, with the present regulations?

If the handler or the dog are stupid now they will still be stupid if the law were changed to allow dogs to accompany hunters. You can't legislate smart.

We arent talking about Joe blow out walking a dog as we have no control over that.

"Yes we do. The regs do not allow wildlife to be harassed.

And if your hunting were your seing people walking dogs lots then thats just something you must deal with.

Most guys hunting dont run into that issue.[COLOR="red"]So if it is not an issue why do we need more regs?[COLOR="red"]
We are talking about trying to get a law changed for us as hunters and in order to do that there will have to be restrictions whether you feel there should be or not. Why? We already have them. to protect wildlife. What else do we need to protect?

We are just making suggestions as to what may make it work.
If you want to tackle the issues concerning dogs being walked by a hiker or bird watcher you go right ahead but im not gunna get involved. there are no issues. If there were, we would here about all the hikers charged for allowing their dogs to chase wildlife. WE don't hear of any

People think if a guy takes a dog hunting it will be to aid in getting an animal.What people think that? I see from this thread that hunters want a dog for protection and companion ship while hunting.

That is why we would need rules so as to help assist in getting people past this notion and hopfully stop people from ruining the oppertunity by using there dogs for such acts.What acts? Hunting with a dog?? We can hunt with a dog now. Birds, often in areas where there is big game. Are there problems now? No. Why would there be problems if the law allowed a dog to accompany a big game hunter?

Simple is just allowing the dog on a big game hunt. That's as simple as it gets.
I'm not lying!!! You are just experiencing it differently.

It isn't a question of who will allow me, but who will stop me.. Ayn Rand