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Old 01-12-2011, 01:20 PM
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Nait Hadya Nait Hadya is offline
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
Are you serious? No nothing stops the dog from running 4 or 500 yrds from its handlers now. But with what we are stating you best have it trained well enough to stay at your side. You say you cant legislate smart? So because a few guys cant train their dog good enough to no run around then there should be no rules and such. Holy shake your head.
Again your talking about people that now have no rules about how where there dog can run. maybe if there were laws then they would put more effort into the training.

And we dont have any control over that guy just out walking his dog! Sure it cant harass wild life but how does that control them in any other way.
Again incase your narrow mind missed it this is a discussion about getting dog to be allowed while hunting not whether the local dog walker should be regulated. Start a new thread for that if you so wish.

What else do we need to protect other than wildlife from dogs running? How bout other hunters hunts? How bout from spooking riders horses? How bout spooking animals that it isnt harassing but still spooked? There are lots of reasons dogs should be controled.

What people think that? Again give your head a shake! Many people that are against dogs accompaning you while hunting arent on this site and most arent even hunters. These are the ones we need to convince. And without rules and guidelines this will never happen.

With rules in place with penalties then some unhonest guys that would illegally use the dog to actually hunt big game may be detererd and people that see rules in place will know that people are trying to get do there best in keeping wild life safe and people not just letting dogs be running around.

Again we arent talking about changing the rules for bird hunters, cat hunters or dog walkers. We as hunters are looking to hopefully get things so we can take our dogs into the bush as packers, protectors, and companions and I for one would gladly abide by some rules in order to get this to happen.
no, a leashed or otherwise controlled K9 is still able to contribute to your hunting success,with big game. it can alert you to the presence of game that is out of sight. so, no matter how you sugar coat it, you would in effect be allowing the hunting of big game with canis domesticus(sp). making the arguement that your horse can do the same is a moot point. a K9 can be trained to walk quietly ahead of a hunter and stop when it locates game,that is hunting big game. a K9 can be trained to parrellel a hunter;hunter on the trail, k9 in the bush. still controlled,not harassing wildlife but rather pushing the bush for the hunter. that is hunting big game. if the companion dog is in sight of the sheep it is worrying the sheep and that is hunting big game...... perhaps we should review all of sheeps proposals or was this just tossed in there to give them something to easily deny with the hope of getting something else. of all the changes that need to be made,this one is,well.....