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Old 01-14-2011, 03:11 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigtoad View Post
Well, I'll start with HunterDave, just to comment on his quote:
"The third would be that it would have to be in the common interests of all users of the body of water and not just a small number of vocal people."

By looking at the results of this poll as well as the results of the government poll on quality fisheries, I think you'll find that it's actually you that are in the "small number of vocal people." I believe the majority of people do want more quality fisheries. Even the lakes designated as "quality" while still allowing large fish to be kept (like Beaver) fall short of the quality distinction IMHO.
My intent with starting this poll was to see what people really thought about the proposal. I suspect that perhaps some people may have viewed this as a challenge to see who could get the most votes for the position that they supported. If that is the case then the results of the poll are skewed.

Similarly, the results from the SRD survey were gathered from an unadvertised poll that was posted on their website for a period of one month. My opinion is that it should have been more widely advertised and distributed in order to get a better understanding of what the general consensus was. I wasn't aware of the survey and didn't fill it out, did you? One method of gathering information would have been to conduct a survey similar to the one that hunters received this Fall regarding the inclusion of crossbows into archery only season.

As far as the petition, it is one sided and only gathers the number of people that support the proposal but doesn't indicate how many people refused to sign it. Despite all of the campaigning to get people to sign it, a petition signed by only -300 people on an outdoorsman with as many members as we have (not including people from other forums) actually indicates to me that there is not allot of support for this initiative and it is indeed a vocal minority that support it. Do you understand my logic?
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