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Old 01-21-2011, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by sureshot View Post
Do you know this for sure ? Do you know him personally? Alchohol makes people do stupid things. We have all been there. But to say this guy deserved it and says he looks at it as a victory is just plain ridiculous. The video shows it was nothing but an uncalled for vicsous beating by a bully. As said before the cop cost himself his job.

Where on earth did I say he deserved it?????? I said he likely didn't learn not to do it again from the results his actions got. He was obviously looking for a reaction from the cops and he got's a victory for him.

As for the speculation as to his though process, sorry too many psycholgy classes but I'd bet I'm right. My point was that this beating very likely didn't teach him not to do it again as several on here have speculated. Absolutely the cop cost himself his own job but I'm guessing the fellow that took the beating it taking credit for it....Anyone that thinks beating someone up that's looking for a fight will teach trhem something is sadly mistaken. Especially when the outcome is at it was here.
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