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Old 02-03-2011, 05:06 PM
AbProwler AbProwler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: East of Ardrossan
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by Fish Hunter7 View Post
first u must love kfc second ppl think you are fishing in the ideal place cause u must know the lake if your fishing there lol. at least the didnt go into your shack and started to fish in your hole
Hasn't happened this year on the ice, but a several years ago, on South Buck a guy was fishing a couple hundred feet away from me and my buddy. we were doing pretty good Slip-bobbing W.E.,(15-20) most were just under the size, but every once in a while one was big enough to keep.
After about an hour or so here he comes WOT, into reverse, waves..throws out his anchors and just glares at us.
Now I am actually behaving myself, I DON'T say anything, I REPRESS my urge to drowned him and we decide it is time to leave......the SOB was so close, his bow anchor ended up over my stern anchor line.

I believe, the water belongs to everyone that buy's a licence, but some guy's just don't practice common sense when it comes to catching fish!
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