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Old 02-17-2011, 10:01 PM
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s_erickson s_erickson is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Grimshaw
Posts: 160

I dont really take to the Lake X approach. I wont tell just anyone where i catch my fish, but i will take a guy out to a few "alright" fishing locations and see what happens. If he tells everyone he knows and starts keeping everything he catches then i call it a loss, if he respects that im trying to help, i'll take him out again to where the big fish really are. I take the same approach with hunting, got burned on a 5x5 i was stalking all season with my bow, the ******* went in on a weekend i was working and shot it with a gun (we only had permission to hunt with bows there, next year i wasn't allowed back in). So i don't agree with not helping people get out there to catch some big fish too, you just have to be careful with who you divulge your info too.
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