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Old 02-23-2011, 02:08 PM
1/2 oz Bucktail's Avatar
1/2 oz Bucktail 1/2 oz Bucktail is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Grande Cache
Posts: 151

So here we go. I have seen this issue brought up so many times over a number of message boards. Most of the time (but not always), it is started by a flyfisher who is ****ed because all he/she catches are little stockers. Now there is nothing wrong with fly fishers as I am one, but this debate is getting damn old and tired.

Maybe we should look at creating some privatized lakes similar to those found in gated communities in both Edmonton and Calgary. Create a fishing club at protected/restricted access lakes where some of the people looking to catch large stocked trout.
(Yes it does sound lame to me........ Large stocked trout that is, maybe its because I am lucky enough to live in a place where I don't need a stocked slough to be my only source of fishing).
Fees collected for the club can be used to purchase larger fish for stocking as well as covering costs for aeration. The managing comitee of said clubs/lakes can make managment decisions as to restricting any fishing in the event of poor conditions (high water temps in the summer). I don't know how this would work, but I imagine alot of the ****ed off flyfishermen would be happy to have a place where they can all hang out together and compare their amazing catches of genetically modified plastic fish that they so expertly bobber fished (oops I mean strike indicator) from a swamp with their custom built fly rods (dammit, there goes my sarcasm again) far removed from all of those horrible parents and little children who love to be outside learning the joys of fishing regrdless of fish size (wow, I sure am letting the sarcasm slip again).

Anyways not sure if the whole private lake thing would work, but it does seem like it could solve the frustrations of a few bobber fishermen (sorry I meant to say still water fly anglers). As I kind of mentioned before, I am pretty sure that most children do not care if all they catch is little stockers, the same goes for the parents, grandparents etc who take these kids out to learn how to fish.

Wouldn't it suck if you were a kid and all you had for fishing was a trout pond nearby that got turned into a bait ban C&R pond? Yeah I am generalizing a bit but I think that most get the picture.

Sorry to all of the flyfishers that i know I offended. I just never got into the whole still water flyfishing thing (not enough patience for it).
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