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Old 02-24-2011, 12:12 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by Bigtoad View Post
HunterDave, can you think of even 3 lakes (don't need to name them) out of the 300 stocked lakes that have:
1. a 5 fish limit
2. allow bait
3. are accessible (so within 100m of a road)
4. have some fishing pressure
that you can regularly (nearly every time you fish it) catch a trout larger than 20"?
You don't need 3 lakes, you only need one that will fit that criteria. Allot of the bigger bodies of water that don't have a winter kill hold big fish. They aren't easy to catch like the smaller ones, but they are there. Maybe you'll catch one once out of a hundred times fishing there but that's what makes it exciting for me. Now if you replace that with knowing that you are going to catch a whopper every cast then, to me anyway, something is lost.

As far as mentioning accessibility, I would class that under "making it easier". If you want big fish then it'll take a little effort. Plan a Spring fishing trip and come up north for a week (assuming that you are down south where I think you are). That's what we do and we have a great time.

I've fished all over Canada and it's no big secret that the best fishing is in bodies of water that don't have easy access and don't have allot of fishing pressure. IMO That's because other anglers don't want to make the extra effort or spend the extra on gas to get to them. If you want to catch bigger fish easier and more often then you have to go out and get them (off of the beaten path) not try to bring the fish to you.
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